Detail of simple columnar epithelium with striated border ( microvilli). Notice that the border is quite thin and the striations close together, looking like very regular, closely set brush bristles. 单柱上皮表面纹状缘(微绒毛)。注意:纹状缘很薄、排列规则精密,状如鞋刷的毛簇。
The rectum has the striated border, and its growth rate is found to be similar to those of the duodenum, suggesting its possible function of absorption. 绍鸭直肠也具有纹状缘等结构,且其生长速度相似于十二指肠,故推测也有吸收功能。
The epithelium cells of digestive tube with or without the striated border can be used as one of important standard for distinguishing the midgut from foregut and hindgut. 消化道上皮细胞有无纹状缘是区分中肠与前、后肠的重要标准之一。
The hindgut is short, has no striated border. 后肠很短,无纹状缘。
Their fore-gut has high mucosal fold, thin striated border, more goblet cells. 前肠粘膜褶高,纹状缘薄,杯状细胞数目相对乌鳢、鲶鱼较多。
Caco-2 cell came from human adenocarcinoma of colon cells and form polarity monolayer spontaneously in condition of cultivation, which have the differentiation characteristic of microvillus and tight junction which was similar to human small intestine epithelium striated border. Caco-2细胞来源于人结肠腺癌细胞,在培养条件下形成极性单细胞层,具有微绒毛以及紧密连接等类似于人体小肠上皮细胞刷状缘侧的分化特征。